
I’m a mother to an adorable two year old named Ryan. I work full time as a claims analyst and write, draw and research in my spare time. I’m so excited to share my writing and illustrating journey with you. I’ve currently finished my first children’s book and have submitted to a numerous amount of traditional publishers. I have been recently accepted by one but have decided to take the self-publishing route. I’m working on building my authors platform, illustrating and writing new stories. Join me in my journey as we learn together about this amazing industry.

5 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

  1. Hi. I’ve just stumbled upon your blog…. I am also a writer of children’s books though I haven’t yet published.. I’m curious why you would choose to self-publish if you were accepted by a publisher?? This looks like a really nice blog.

    • Great!!! I’ll start following you! I wasn’t happy with their illustrating pick at all. I also found that most of their selling is online. With work, I can do this myself without them taking a cut of my money. Check out the two sites I use. They are so helpful in helping you decide which is best for what you want. Now that self-publishing is an excepted avenue, we have so many more options available to us. It’s an amazing time in the publishing world!!

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